About Mom Rebranded

Have you ever slid into your car and turned the radio on, only to discover it was left on full blast? You wanted the music. You chose to turn the radio on. But the shock of the blaring tunes leaves you scrambling for the pause button.

Motherhood hit me hard. Doubled me over. It is the life I want and the life I chose, but the reality of it was a gut-punch I didn’t see coming.

The more I brush shoulders with other moms, the more I have heard this same sentiment reiterated over and over. The lack of sleep, the guilt, the worry, the isolation…it’s so easy to lose yourself in it all.

Mom Rebranded is a digital record of my journey in finding myself again and learning to thrive in my mom era. It recounts my wins, my losses, and the tips and tricks I’m learning along the way. I’d like to invite you on this journey with me. Hopefully you will laugh; maybe you will cry; but mostly I hope you feel seen and validated. Because motherhood is hard, and we are all doing the best we can.

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Pexels.com


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About Me


I am a stay at home mom, blogger, and former teacher, navigating motherhood just like you. Expect authenticity, the occasional meltdown, and tools I pick up along the way. I hope you enjoy!